HTTP cookies can be used both for server-side and client-side programming. There are many ways to use
cookies in Javascript. In this short tutorial we will concentrate on the client-side. The task is to build a script that will remember values users type in a text box and display them next time the users access the page.
Let's say we have a form with an input box "project" and a submit button. We want to capture the values entered by the user and save them for later use. Cookies seem to be an ideal solution to this problem. No server-side programming or maintenance.
A working example is located
here .
We'll need two functions to read and set cookies. They are pretty much standard and can be easily found on the web.
Let's start with a function that sets the
function setCookie (name, value, expires,
path, domain, secure) {
document.cookie =
name + "="
+ escape(value)
+ ((expires) ? "; expires="
+ expires.toGMTString() : "")
+ ((path) ? "; path=" + path : "")
+ ((domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "")
+ ((secure) ? "; secure" : "");
The parameters to the function are self-explanatory:
name is the cookie name we are going to usevalue is the cookie's valueexpires - a date that the cookie will expire.
path sets the top level directory from which a cookie can be read.
Set the path of a cookie to the top-level directory of your Web pages, and the cookie is readable by all your Web pages.
To get a cookie value we'll use the following function:
function getCookie(name) {
// break cookie into array of bites
var bites = document.cookie.split("; ");
for (var i=0; i < bites.length; i++) {
// break into name and value
nextbite = bites[i].split("=");
// if name matches
if (nextbite[0] == name)
// return value
return unescape(nextbite[1]);
return null;
Let's write a function that would add values to the existing
cookie. 2 arguments will be passed to the function:
cookieName and
First, let's get the value typed by the user:
Now, we'll set the expiry date to 30 days from today.:
Get the contents of the cookie using the getCookie function:
var contents= getCookie(cookieName);
Add the new value typed by the user to the existing cookie contents.
We chose to separate values by a period. You can use any other separators.
The last thing to do is to send the new cookie contents to our setCookie function:
Here is the full listing of the function:
function addString(cookieName, formField){
var field = eval ("document.forms[0]."+ formField);
var txtVal =field.value;
var expires = new Date();
expires.setDate(expires.getDate() + 30);
var contents= getCookie(cookieName);
if(contents != null && contents.indexOf(txtVal)<0)
else if(contents == null)
contents = txtVal;
setCookie(cookieName, contents, expires,"/");
We'll call this function from the onSubmit event of the form, like this:
<form onSubmit='addString ("example","txt1")'>
Now, the only thing to do is to write the contents of the cookie on the HTML page.
Here is the function that does it:
function writeCookieValues (val) {
if(val!= null && val.length>0){
var str = new String(val);
//split the resulting array by a separator
//used earlier in the addString function
var aPr = str.split(".");
for(var i=0; i < aPr.length; i++)
document.write(aPr [i]+"<br>");
Use it like this:
<script language='JavaScript'> writeCookieValues (getCookie("example")); </script>