All the books listed here have at least a 4 star rating and have been reviewed by at least 10 reviewers. Some reviews are included.
Ajax in Action
by Dave Crane, Eric Pascarello, Darren JamesBest AJAX Book Available Today:
Ajax in Action by Dave Crane is the best Ajax book on the market today. With over 600 pages of content, this incredibly well-written text explains why Ajax is so powerful and how this simple programming feature (it really isn't difficult to learn at all) has changed web development forever. No longer are users and developers limited to a page reload world, as the power of this technology now has the ability to make the web work like regular applications. It's a trend that has been desired for a loooong time and boy does it ever deliver!!!
Chapter Overview: 01. Ajax background 02. Learning to use Ajax 03. Order with Ajax 04. Pages as applications 05. Serve role 06. User experience 07. Security and Ajax 08. Ajax performance 09. Dynamic double combo example 10. Type ahead example 11. Enhanced Ajax web portal 12. Live search using XSLT 13. Stand-Alone apps with Ajax
Professional Ajax (Programmer to Programmer) (Paperback)
by Nicholas C. Zakas, Jeremy McPeak, Joe FawcettThe book does a good job academically of showing how Ajax has evolved (itself a debatable topic) and how it is used in modern-day applications. The book doesn't marry the reader to any one particular web development framework, effectively citing examples in PHP, .NET, and JavaServer Pages. Practically, the authors exhibit a proper mix of (X)HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Dynamic HTML and XmlHttpRequests, showing how the technologies are blended for developing next-gen UIs.
AJAX and PHP: Building Responsive Web Applications (Paperback)
by Cristian Darie, Bogdan Brinzarea, Filip Chereches-Tosa, Mihai BucicaAJAX and PHP by Example:This book teaches by example. The first few chapters introduce AJAX and what part PHP, Javascript and XML all play. Then the remainder of the book takes you through several example applications. The example apps are simple enough that you can easily follow. These applications include Form Validation, Chat, Suggest and Autocomplete, Charting with SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), using grids, and Drag and Drop.
Ajax For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) (Paperback)
by Steve Ph.D. HolznerGood coverage with some unique features: Ajax is obviously one of the hot web technologies these days, and now we have the Dummies title that covers it... Ajax for Dummies by Steve Holzner. While it might be easy to write this off as "just another Dummies book", I don't know that I'd be so hasty...
Contents: Part 1 - Getting Started: Ajax 101; It's All About JavaScript Part 2 - Programming in Ajax: Getting to Know Ajax; Ajax in Depth Part 3 - Ajax Frameworks: Introducing Ajax Frameworks; More Powerful Ajax Frameworks; Server-Side Ajax Frameworks Part 4 - In-Depth Ajax Power: Handling XML in Ajax Applications; Working with Cascading Style Sheets in Ajax Applications; Working with Ajax and PHP Part 5 - The Part of Tens: Ten Ajax Design Issues You Should Know About; Ten Super-Useful Ajax Resources